Sharing our learning with the world

A message from Pie Corbett!

We were very excited this morning to find a comment on our blog from none other than Pie Corbett! He was very impressed with our Rainforest Walk poems! He had the fantastic idea of writing poems about our local area. This idea fits in perfectly with our topic work as we have been comparing and contrasting the rainforest to Birmingham.

This afternoon we got straight to it, discussing all of the different things we can see, hear, taste, touch and smell in Kings Norton and Birmingham. Here are some of our poems…..

As I walk through Birmingham

As I walk down my street in Birmingham what can I see?

I can see a black and white cat as fat as a bin overloaded with trash.


As I walk down my street in Birmingham what can I hear?

A beautiful bird singing like thousands of people in an outstanding choir.


As I walk down my street in Birmingham what can I smell?

A lovely Sunday dinner wafting in the breeze like a house that has just been cleaned.


As I walk down my street in Birmingham what can I touch?

The flexible grass as smooth and long as wheat in a huge field.


As  walk down my street in Birmingham what can I taste?

A sweet cherry like melted chocolate crashing on my tongue.

By K.C.


The Birmingham Walk

As I walk through Birmingham what can I see?

I can see the sun shining as bright as a brand new bike.


As I walk through Birmingham what can I hear?

I can hear the pretty birds tweeting beautifully like a thousand children whistling.


As I walk through Birmingham what can I smell?

I can smell the delicious fish and chips wafting through the windows like wind rattling through the trees.


As I walk through Birmingham what can I touch?

I can touch the bark of an old, oak tree as rough as sandpaper.

By N.S.

The Birmingham Walk

As I walk down my street what can I see?

I can see some tall houses standing as still as a sculpture getting painted in bright colours.


As I walk down my street what can I hear?

I can hear a barbecue rattling like some popcorn popping in a popcorn machine.


As I walk down my street what can I smell?

I can smell some French perfume as sweet as roses getting picked by farmers.


As I walk down my street what can I touch?

I can touch my wooly jumper like the wool of sheep bathing in the sun.


As I walk down my street what can I taste?

I can taste my Sunday dinner as delicious as sweet chocolate melting on my tongue.

By C.C.


As I walk down my street

As I walk down my street what can I see?

A beautiful bluebird quickly flapping it’s wings like a leaf being blown in the wind.


As I walk down my street what can I hear?

A big car zooming past me noisily like a thousand croaking frogs.


As I walk down my street what can I smell?

Fish and chips from a shop not far away

As fresh as a loaf of warm bread.


As I stroll down my street what can I touch?

The waving grass blowing slowly in the wind like a feather drifting down the lake.


As I walk through the street what can I taste?

Fresh fruit from the trees as delicious as Sunday lunch.

By C.M.


Thank you for the idea Mr Corbett, we hope you enjoy reading our poetry as much as we enjoyed writing it!

Comments on: "A message from Pie Corbett!" (3)

  1. Miss Bosworth said:

    Hi 4P. These poems are really good. You have really used what you found out and thought about the way you explained what your senses felt. Well done. I’m glad you had a reply from Mr Corbett!
    Miss Bosworth

  2. Pie Corbett said:

    What else could you celebrate that you know well – pets, people, events…..

  3. I liked doing our poems its my two favourite things to do in literacy.

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