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Archive for February, 2012

It’s been a practical week!

We’ve had some very practical literacy and numeracy lessons this week! In numeracy we have been exploring shapes and measures. On Wednesday we made nets of cubes and boxes. On Thursday we learned how to measure length accurately with a ruler, we measured all sorts of items in our classroom! Today we learned how to measure mass accurately with scales by weighing different food items. Before weighing the items, we had to estimate how much we thought they might weigh. This proved to be much more difficult than we first imagined! We have a better idea of how much things might weigh now!

In literacy we have been showing off our acting skills as our new unit of work is about playscripts. Today we completed a spelling investigation on past tense verbs. We cut out all of the past tense “ed” verbs we could find from a newspaper. Then we underlined the root word to see what had been added to turn it into the past tense form. It has helped us to remember some of the rules we need to know when spelling past tense verbs. It can be a tricky business!

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Ancient Greek Theatre

We’ve been learning all about the theatre in ancient Greece. Did you know they only had two actors in a show? They wore masks for the different characters. What do you think of our ancient Greek theatre masks?

3D Shapes

We’ve been learning all about 3D shapes this week. Can you name these shapes and their properties?

Here are some 3D shape games……..

Have fun!

Birmingham Museum Trip

We had a fabulous time at the Birmingham Museum today. We learned so many interesting things about the Ancient Greeks and also had the opportunity to hold some real life artefacts including a mirror, a lamp, part of a cooking pot and a spear. Have a look at what we got up to…………..


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Please leave a comment about your favourite part of the trip or the most interesting fact you learned!

Homework heroes!


This half term we have had a record number of children winning a homework prize! A grand total of 13 children handed in all of their homework, ON TIME!

Good work 4P.

Have a fun and safe half term.

100 Word Challenge!

Don’t forget our first ever 100 Word Challenge starts today. Please visit

to find out all about it. There will be a different prompt for the challenge each week. You can submit a short story or a poem. There will a prize each week for the best entries. Good luck!

(Permanent link to the 100 Word Challenge is blog is in the “blog roll” on the left hand side of the screen. Entries from grown-ups are also welcome!)

Ancient Greek Antics!

We’re in full swing of our Ancient Greek topic now! This week we learned about a famous war called the Battle of Marathon which happened around 2,500 years ago. It was really interesting to find out how 10,000 Athenian hoplites defeated 30,000 Persian soldiers! We also discovered how the marathon (running event) got its name!

Here are some examples of the work we completed about the battle.